In the sunny Okanagan Valley, within beautiful British Columbia, Canada, Back to Earth was founded by Kiley Routley, in 2007. The Valley provided the roots, flowers, and an abundance of plants that inspired her to research, and create the array of Back to Earth products you find in a variety of outlets across Canada today.
Kiley completed a number of Certified Herbalist and Aromatherapy educational programs, then spent hours, months and years on the development, through 'tried and true' recipes, which ultimately produced the purest, most natural organic products for your personal care, health, and wellness. With a team of Naturopaths, Biochemists, Herbalists, and Aromatherapists, she mastered the art of infusion of pure essential oil blends, with local, and ethically wild-crafted plants from around the world. Over the past 11 years, Kiley and the Back to Earth team have worked tirelessly to build a reputation as a modern-day apothecary, distributing medicinal, soothing, and healing products you can trust!