March 08, 2018

"One life on this earth is all that we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can." - Frederick Buechner

There is no denying that "Old Man Winter" has been hanging on a little too tightly this year, but the birds are finally back and the temperatures are rising, so now is the time to awaken from our hibernation and find our mojo again. It is always lovely to see people's faces brighten and a bounce in their step return as Mother Nature transitions into Spring. Need a pep talk to get out of your funk? Read on...

Spring is the perfect time to get active and try something new before you get wrapped up in gardening & yard work season, company coming to visit and summer planning. Community arts and leisure guides will be showing up in your local newspapers soon offering lots of classes and activities to partake in. There are so many different community events available, try visiting a Wellness Fair or Local Artisan or Food Market. Join a club you have been interested in or gift yourself an afternoon at the library to dive into the stacks and find some new books on cooking, gardening, or some decadent fiction. Try an art class or photography course to stimulate your creativity, find whatever your heart desires.

Many from the Back to Earth team have fallen in love with the Float experience for relaxation of mind and body. Not only does it provide freedom from gravity, time out for all stress and sensory overload; it supports your overall wellbeing. Come visit us at the Lavington store and we'll tell you all about our experience while you sample our At Peace aromatherapy, Relaxation Massage Oil or our beautiful Angel wings lotion for a quick stress release. 

Finding Energy and Balance

For a deeper mind, body connection, there are so many different types of yoga to explore, or other wellness experiences like Singing Bowls or Breath workshops. If there is something you have been curious about this is your season of fresh beginnings and new starts, this is your time to give it a try! Your spring adventures do not have to be costly, find a local trail you have never explored or participate in a charity group and give back to your community. The possibilities are endless and there is something for everyone to enjoy being apart of.

If this hasn't been enough to rouse you out of your winter funk perhaps the fact that Today is International Women's Day may do it? The theme this year is #pressforprogress. Indulge yourself in some meaningful reading and discussions with those closest to you if this is a cause close to your heart. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."

International Womens Day

Started by the Suffragettes in the early 1900's, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in 1911. International Women's Day belongs to all communities everywhere - governments, companies, charities, educational institutions, networks, associations, the media and more. Whether through a global conference, community gathering, classroom lesson or dinner table conversation - everyone can play a purposeful part in pressing for gender parity.

So make International Women's Day YOUR day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women. Take this time to make your own personal pledge and share with your mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties and friends....Press for Progress!

We are still a few weeks away from Spring in Canada (March 20th) and in parts of the country it still feels very much like Winter, but let's just say we get ready by moving into a spring time mood sooner than later. Turn your face to the sun and embrace the warmer weather every opportunity you have for some natural vitamin D. Shed those heavy winter layers, treat yourself to a bouquet of tulips and enjoy all March has to offer. Like the opening quote says, we only get one life on this earth, let's live it as bravely and beautifully as we can together.

- Love & Light

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