September 21, 2017

A Letter to our Valued Customers:

A Letter to Our Valued Customers

  When I first started Back to Earth in my kitchen, I was not only compelled and inspired to create a healthy environment for my own family, but also, I had a deep desire to share the knowledge I had gathered through tried and true organic recipes. I held on to the idea that infusing all-natural, toxin-free ingredients with clean products, could support one's health and wellness, while being kind to the earth we all share

  Never in my wildest dream could I have imagined the growth we've experienced over the past decade. From humble grassroot beginnings, farmer's markets and craft fairs, to local Retailers and Corporate businesses across Canada. Your loyalty is overwhelming and I am thankful to you for your belief in me and your support of our Company. You have shared so many beautiful, and sometimes tearful moments of your journey toward natural health and well-being - thank you. These personal connections have inspired our team to grow, create new products and find ways to share our knowledge.

  As part of our continued growth, we have decided it's time for our brand to evolve. Today, I am very proud to share our new logo with you: A new look ... same wholesome products! The Back to Earth brand embodies our mission to promote living naturally. Our logo incorporates key elements in nature, including the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. This movement speaks to the core of our beliefs that all living things are both inter-dependent and interconnected. With that said, we are committed to protect our delicate eco-system, by ensuring the products we create, do not endanger ourselves, nor do they endanger our planet. 

  Over the coming months our Back to Earth team will begin the task of fine-tuning our new look. You will see visible changes on our website, through social media, and of course our product packaging. We want you to know that we will have the approval of Health Canada through NPN (Natural Product Numbers) Cosmetic Numbers and Certification Seals where applicable. 

Thank you again for your continued support.Please share this message and join our movement to discover ways to 'get back to earth'.

In gratitude,

Kiley Routley

Founder, Back to Earth

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