July 30, 2018

New Back to Earth Re-fill Program Supports Earth Conscious Customers in Using Multi-Use Containers

There is no such thing as "AWAY". When we throw anything away it must go somewhere. ~" Annie Leonard

Everything we do at Back To Earth is with genuine devotion to being Earth-Friendly. Each product made and every packaging choice is done with the utmost consideration and the greatest efforts to be environmentally conscious at every level.

Packaging our products in recyclable materials is one action in our endeavor to be earth-conscious but we are now taking our efforts one step further by introducing a new program in our main Back to Earth shop in Lavington.

We are really thrilled to introduce our NEW Re-Fill Program available at our main Back to Earth Shop in Lavington from Tuesday to Saturday (6236 BC-6, Coldstream). This new program will give our earth conscious customers another avenue to work towards a zero waste lifestyle.

Here’s how it works: Bring your empty, washed Back To Earth product containers into the Lavington shop to have them re-filled and save $1 off the regular price. You can also bring in your own suitable glass or other container to be filled with your favourite Back To Earth product. Pricing will be determined by the amount of product dispensed to fill the container. Your re-fill order will go to our production facility for re-filling, and in most cases you will get your order filled right away.

There may be times when the re-fill order is too large to complete right away or the production team needs time to re-fill your order. In those cases, you will be asked to leave your containers with us and be contacted when they are ready for pick up at a later time.

Every Bit of Plastic Ever Made Still Exists. Somewhere.It’s a simple program, with big potential to help keep single use plastics out of landfills, watersheds and energy-intensive recycling systems. Together, we can make a difference by thinking differently about the products we buy and changing our behaviour from consuming single-use plastics and recycling to saving our plastic containers for multi-use and re-filling whenever possible.

Feel free to share the news and give us your packaging feedback, your multi-use tips, and any images you have of the new Back to Earth packaging being re-used creatively on our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages.

You may have noticed our Back to Earth products are added to recycled plastic containers with resilient labels. These containers (much like glass) are long lasting to allow for years of multi-use re-fills. We take our environmental stewardship very seriously at Back to Earth and we hope to inspire you to do the same.

Right now, our Back to Earth Re-Fill Program is only available at our main shop in Lavington, however, if you are interested in participating in this type of program in your local city or town, let us know, as we are always working on solutions that will benefit all our Back to Earth customers.


Thanks for your continued support!




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