May 03, 2018

Soothe Your Body and Mind

Merging with the Elements: WATER

Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.” ― Lao Tzu

Most of our glorious planet consists of water and it quenches the thirst of every life form whether plant or animal. Water cleanses, purifies, refreshes, and rejuvenates. This week we share how our new Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ collection is inspired by Water and how we capture the natural ebb and flow of this life-giving element to soothe our bodies and calm our minds.

The Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ story began centuries ago when the Heiltsuk people first discovered the mineral clay. Natural elements of such purity, smooth texture, and vibrant colour are still rare today, so we can only imagine how precious this blue-green mineral may have been to the people inhabiting the rugged central coast 10,000 years ago. Looking at the captivating blue green hue of Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™, one is reminded of the waters of a pristine glacial lake. Which is fascinating to us because it is quite possible this clay is an after-effect of the glaciers that once carved our Canadian landscape.

Kisolite Canadian Glacial Clay

Unlike tidal or alluvial muds, it is believed by many that Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ was naturally formed when volcanic activity rapidly melted the ice covering the Central Coast. Sourced from a shallow granite basin that is 400 feet inland and lies above sea level, the clay is free from natural oceanic contaminants and is not a “Marine” or Tidal sourced clay. Rich in beneficial minerals and rare earths, this all natural clay is odourless, tasteless, has no additives, and has a very small course fraction (silica sand) that acts as an excellent exfoliant.

Canadian Glacial Clay Powder

One of the most relaxing ways to absorb all the beneficial minerals and rare earths of Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ is to bathe in it and soak up all its goodness. At Back to Earth we have created two very unique bath salt blends, containing the clay, as well as the natural benefits of magnesium from Himalayan pink salt and solar salt. The salts draw toxins from your skin as you soak, and strengthen your skin barriers while improving circulation. Both product formulas contain the same salts and clay but offer unique essential oil blends to produce different results.

Clarity, Muscle & Joint Bath Salts with Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ has a deeply aromatic scent. The clay in the salts will make the water a little murky but it also softens it so your skin will have a silky glide while you soak. The pure essential oils of lavender and rosemary will soothe your senses while the cool, soothing notes of peppermint, camphor and eucalyptus will have you deeply inhaling then sighing with relief as you feel the tension in your body melt away. Perfect for a morning bath, after gardening or intense exercise to rejuvenate muscle & joint aches and pains.

Clarity Muscle & Joint Bath Salts with Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ is our featured product for the month of May and is 15% off the purchase price online or in store. We hope you enjoy!

Back to Earth - Clarity, Muscle & Joint Bath Salts with Canadian Glacial Clay

If you are looking to unwind and release the stress of a really long day, you will certainly benefit from a soak in our  Tranquility Bath Salts with Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™. Pure lavender, chamomile, tangerine and geranium oils will ease you into a relaxed state that allows your mind and body to rest peacefully. You and your skin will be left feeling soft, relaxed, and renewed. Before bed slather on your favourite Back to Earth moisturizer, rub the Heaven Scent balm into your feet, cover with socks and you will awake the following morning silky soft, and rejuvenated. Tranquility Bath Salts with Mineral Microbiome Clay Complex™ gives you the spa quality pampering you deserve in the comfort of your own home.

Back to Earth - Tranquility Bath Salts with Canadian Glacial Clay

These two mineral dense bath salts are crafted to feed your skin and promote a relaxed state of mind. Immerse yourself in the healing warmth of water and the comfort of knowing when we nurture ourselves and work with life's natural flow great things are always possible.

~ Enjoy the Ebbs and Flows


Respect for the Heiltsuk Nation

At Back To Earth we are proud to partner with our supplier of Kisolite™ Clay, knowing  the clay is ethically harvested in a way that avoids any potential site contamination from damaging pollutants that negatively impact the environment. They are deeply committed to the place known as “Kisameet” and the pristine lands and waters that surround it. They have listened, learned, and come to share the environmental  stewardship values that are rightfully of great importance to the Heiltsuk and all who wish to journey in or through their traditional lands. As a company, they (and we at Back to Earth) recognize the Central Coast’s original inhabitants, the Heiltsuk people, as cultural and environmental stewards of the resources within their traditional  territory. They work closely with the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management  Department to mitigate and address any cultural, environmental, or archaeological impact that their activity could have on the community.

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